Our logo for Pride Month 2019.
Game developers of australia (GDAU)
The Game Developers of Australia (GDAU) is a Discord-based community who have come together to network, build industry skills, share knowledge, and, of course, play games with other developers. Being based on the Discord platform, we are accessible to game developers from any part of the world, not only those in large cities with massive development hubs. While the GDAU is focused on the Australian games industry, we welcome international developers with open arms in the hopes of learning, teaching, and sharing. The semi-professional environment of the community provides social interactions that exist in a space between professional and casual, a unique atmosphere that feels natural to all. Our primary goals are to foster a sense of community amongst our members, and to support each other wherever possible.
We host a variety of events each month, such as:
AFK Space — an in-person meet at Melbourne’s The Arcade, where we play tabletop games, hook a Nintendo Switch up to a large projector, and talk about the Game of the Month.
Game Club — a spin on the traditional Book Club, we pick a Game of the Month to go off and buy and play, then come back and talk about it. We usually focus on indie titles in support of the local industry.
D&D — we host two online Dungeons and Dragons campaigns, each with their own dedicated Dungeon Master.
Online gaming — we often group together to play online multiplayer games, including Overwatch, League of Legends, and World of Warcraft.
Feel free to come check the Discord out via the link below, or follow us on Twitter via the link below that.